Let’s say you’re on Amazon, and find the perfect jacket. One of the first things you’ll do is check out the number of stars it has and look at the customer reviews. Google reviews for your law firm are just as important. The best time to ask for reviews is when you’re closing the file. You can do this in person or send it along with the invoice. But simply asking does not always get the job done, you must show them how to do it. Either send a link for them to click on or give them step by step directions. The directions are helpful but let’s face it, people are busy so without being too pushy, don’t be afraid to ask again. Be subtle and send a follow-up email two weeks after sending the first. This strategy is important for your online presence but it’s just one step. Oamii (Ah-Me) South Florida’s leading digital marketing agency understands how to effectively and comprehensively market your law firm, find out how, today.
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