The first place your prospects go for legal help is the web, so here’s what you can do to effectively manage your firm’s online reputation. First, set up Google Alerts on your firm name. These will send you emails every time new matching results are located. Claim and complete your Avvo (Av-vo) profile… so you can monitor what’s being said, then respond in a timely manner. Request positive reviews from satisfied clients, then share them on your website and social media.If you get a negative review, respond thoughtfully and carefully. Avoid addressing factual allegations as this adds credence to the claims and can potentially violate client confidentiality. Take the conversation offline and suggest a phone call. Managing a firm and your marketing can be a challenge.
Oamii (Ah-me), is Florida’s top digital marketing agency for law firms, they can boost your online presence to keep you ahead of the competition.
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