The first thing that attracts anyone to visit a website or content is its headline or headline tag, as content creators and SEO experts call it. The right tag has the power to propel your small-time business to the forefront just like any other billion-dollar enterprise. That’s precisely how content marketing works.
The sad truth is that not many people are aware of the importance of writing the perfect headline tag. Even content marketers, content creators, SEO professionals, and web developers know very little about it. We aim to address this problem because what is the point of writing excellent articles or publishing great content when nobody is going to read it. Getting your headline right is the first step in creating visibility for your website and its content.
Since you are reading this article, it is quite clear you are not happy with your headline tags and wish to make changes for the better. To help you start on the right foot, we are going to share our SEO secrets for writing attractive headlines.
1. Numbers Are The Key – These days, nobody has the time to read essays or lines and lines of information. Using numbers lets the reader know that the content is well structured and properly organized, making for an effortless read. The added advantage is that:
1. Numbers allow readers to make lists quickly, something that is very popular these days.
2. Write the number digit and not the number in words. Numeral forms are easier to read and preferred by readers.
3. Try not to write more than 9 points. It is because seldom do readers assimilate or digest more than that. In fact, the lower the number, the more precise the content is taken to be.
4. Use the number in conjunction with listing options like tips, facts, ideas, principles, ways, secrets, lessons, tricks, and so on. For example:
7 Tricks For Conquering
Local SEO
2. Use Schemas With Proven Efficiency – When it comes to writing the title, it is best to follow patterns that have been time-tested for efficiency. Critical is to keep in mind that the same schema or word structure is not followed again and again, blindly. It will make you look unoriginal and repetitive, which can completely put off the readers. Let us study a few examples:
1. How to {anticipated outcome} without {uncomfortable concern}
For Example: How to increase website traffic without increasing budget?
What one does here is highlight the expected result when there is an apparent roadblock in the path.
2. What/All you need to know {Topic of discussion}
For Example: What you need to know about SEO or All you need to know about SEO
A headline like this tells the reader that all information required on the topic is available right here. It entices the reader to click on the link to learn more about the said topic.
3. The secret / tips / tricks to {Subject of interest}
For Example: The secret to enhancing online visibility
A title like this shows that only a few people know about the topic, and now the reader would be amongst the privileged few. It’s all about appealing one way or the other.
3. Include The Keyword – A crucial part of SEO is having a good spread of keywords in the content. It includes the headline as well. Most content marketers assume as long as the keyword exists in the content, it is enough. As we often point out, the title is a reflection of the content, and hence, it too must contain the keyword. Else no relation exists between the headline and the topic.
4. Positive And Appealing Adjectives – Adjectives, when used correctly, modify the topic to communicate positively with an attitude. It is one of the best ways to attract the attention of the audience and thereby improve the CTR or the Click Through Rate. A few examples of positive and appealing adjectives are – Free (cliche but true), essential, proven, innovative, big, powerful, etc.
5. Think Of Social Media Platforms – Whatever content you create, your obvious plan is to share it, and share it you will, on the various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Quora, etc. Therefore, it is equally important to keep in mind that your headline length meets the social media platforms’ character specifications. This makes for easy sharing.
We believe the most appropriate headline length is 69 characters for two reasons:
1. Typically, search engines display 69 characters before cutting off. So if your title is longer, the chances are nobody will know what the content or website is about because the audience simply hates things that are presented in half. The chances are they will pass through without even clicking on your link.
2. The other reason is 69 characters gives you enough room for adding a mention, hashtags, and even a picture. All of these things are enticing to the audience and increase the chances of them clicking on the link.
The headline is a reflection of what the website or the article or post is all about. Consequently, headline tags need to be put together after careful thinking. The best way to do that is by first writing the full content and then assessing it to see which direction it has taken. Remember that even search engines depend largely on the headline tags to figure out what the page is all about. To begin with, ensure your headline clearly describes the topic of the page. It should be at least 69 characters long, try to answer the user intent with the headline, and ensure the keyword is a part of it. If you fulfill all these requirements, you’ll be surprised to see how your SEO ratings improve. Typically, it is these small adjustments that make a big difference in your SEO efforts. If you wish to rise to the top of the SERPs, pay attention to SEO and make a concentrated effort to improve it.
Disclaimer: The information on this website and blog is for general informational purposes only and is not professional advice. We make no guarantees of accuracy or completeness. We disclaim all liability for errors, omissions, or reliance on this content. Always consult a qualified professional for specific guidance.
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